Have Some Money to Spend? Here’s How to Get Started Professionally for under $20
If you are looking to get started in affiliate marketing and you do have a little bit of money to spend than here’s what you should do.
1) Choose a domain name
If you don’t have any idea what you’re product is going to be that you are promoting then maybe this is not your current step. Your domain name does not have to exactly match your product, but when you’re getting started it may be easier if it does have something to do with it.
When you are ready to choose a domain name then you can go to a domain spinner to see what is available. Do not try to create a domain name out of any word that is possibly trademarked. The person that holds the trademark can make you give the domain if you do.
Type in domain spinner in Google and go to one. Type in some variations of the domain that you want to see what is available. When you hit on a good one that is available go to the next step.
2) Sign up at HostGator.com
You don’t have to pick HostGator, but it is a beginner-friendly host with good customer service and one click installs that will let you pay monthly. Dreamhost is another good one.
Sign up for an account. The hatchling plan is $7.16 a month. While you are signing up you also be able to register your domain name if it is available. This will cost you something like $11 or $12 a year.
Once you are good to go with a domain name and hosting account and then you will want to create your website. It easy way to get started is to have hostgator install WordPress for you and use it.
An easy way to do this is to go into your control panel – use the link from the welcome e-mail that you were sent – and under software/services choose quickinstall and then wordpress and follow the instructions. If you run into problems chat with hostgator support. They are very helpful.
3) Once your website is up and running you will want to create some content. Don’t worry if it is not all perfect at the start, you can change things as needed. In the beginning the most important thing is just to get started. You have to make a lot of mistakes online before you start making any serious money. You want to get your mistakes started now!
4) Consider creating a list – $1 for your first month at aWeber
What is your content about? Is there anything that people who would be interested in buying the things that you are promoting are looking for answers for? If you have answers that people want then you can create a list and give away these answers.
In your messages to your list you can also recommends products. This is a perfect way to keep your website and your message in front of the people who are interested in buying the types of things that you recommend.
There is a lot to learn in list building so a good way to get started is to sign up for a few lists of websites that sell the same products you will be selling. How do they do it? How often do they mail? What kind of products do they recommend how do they structure their e-mail messages? Do their messages make you want to buy?
Once you have a domain name, a website, and a list you are doing better than 99% of the rest of the people who want to get started in affiliate marketing. Sure you had to spend a little money to get there but that will only motivate you more. Keep going and you will see your first profit in no time!